Adding a little bit of detail to the arms and make the movable joints look a little more flexible, not sure exactly what I was going for here but thought maybe a rubberised finish would work, so ended up using a gunmetal color and the whole thing will get a Tamiya Matt Clear coat over the top to knock the shiny down.
Time to give the claws a bit of attention and paint some bits in the Chrome Silver to go with the rest of the suit.

Next was time to fit the back of the seat and headreast which I'd painted a few shade of brown to make it look a bit more lived in and warn.
As well as giving the whole thing a nice coating of Tamiya Flat Clear XF-86 and knock that shine off the suit.
Applied some decals next and didn't like how plain the console was so added a bit of colour to it as well as painted the chest piece just below the panel in a gunmetal. It was time for some Black Panel Line to highlight some of the panels and corners and then another light coat of the Flat Clear.
Next step was was to add some chipping effects to give the whole thing a more used and abused "vibe", I did this using some open cell foam from some packaging and just ripped a piece off a larger piece and dabbed the rough end in some gray paint and dried most off on a paperl towel before stippling the foam around the suit specially around the area of greater use that would get bashed around. Could probably do with a bit more but it will do.
That seems to have wrapped up most of it and for some reason I got the idea of mounting it on some sort of base and though maybe a planet surface ended up looking at Thingiverse and found something to play with lets see how that works out in the next post.
Until then..
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