Friday, 30 November 2018

Chevy Gun Tractor by Italeri - Part 2

In the last post I managed to get together the majority of the parts into 4 main assemblies. This was about as much as I thought I could do before I couldn't get into to spots to paint.

Next step was to prep everything for paint. As well as the 4 assemblies, there are still lots of loose pieces that needed to be painted.

Some I mounted up on skewers and the rest that required a good paint finish on both sides I use some tape loops and stuck them down to the back of the kit box. Once mounted I sprayed one side with the primer and after it dried for a while I flipped them over and did the other side.

I had been a bit worried about the whole painting thing but once I'd loaded up the air brush with the mig ammo One Shot Primer Grey, held my breath and went to town,

I was amazed it all worked relatively well and even more amazed how much the single colour actually brought everything together.

Once that dried and after a week or so of umming and ahing about the over all theme for the kit, North African dessert scheme or European scheme (its all about the big decisions) I pulled the trigger (literally) on a Tamiya Dessert Yellow (XF-59) for the base coat.

Pretty happy with the base colour choice.

Looks like I need a steadier hand (or less coffee) to do the fine detail work and not go over the line :-) when painting next to other colours. Will need to fix this later.

Start working on some detail next time see what happens after that.

Until then.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Chevy Gun Tractor by Italeri - Part 1

It's been a long time since I build a plastic model kit and never did any more then just glue one together in the past. 

Hopefully I can practice some painting, finishing and weathering techniques on this one working towards building some other kits stored up over the years.

Started off with the chassis and wasn't really sure where to draw the like of assembly to painting but decided to get a fair way into the chassis before hitting it with paint.

 For what was meant to be a learning kit it's got a lot (and I mean a lot) of bits in it, so much detail.

Looking at the assembly manual it looked like the kit could be build in modular parts, I started building a few bits in parallel. Chassis, Cabin floor pan, Main body and front end. This was great as it gave me something else to do while waiting for bits to dry or to keep the interest up.

Had to get a quick feel for what it was going to look like and did a bit of a dry assembly test also to make sure everything still fitted together as expected.

Test fitting the front clip onto the floor pan.

At this point I think it might be time for paint before to much more gets added in and becomes harder to paint. That's for the next installment.

Until then.